HAVEN Free Clinic

High-quality health care, free of charge.

The HAVEN Free Clinic is a student-run primary care clinic that partners with Yale University to provide the New Haven community access to comprehensive, high-quality health care free of charge. Our model is unique because we include members across various disciplines in health care, including medicine, nursing, physician’s associate programs, and public health.

We serve as a sustainable free clinic that provides uninsured adults in New Haven with primary care, wellness education, and assistance in securing health care while simultaneously educating health professional students at Yale about patient care and community health.

Our Mission

We provide access to comprehensive, high-quality healthcare, free of cost to the New Haven community.

Get Involved

There are many opportunities to volunteer at the HAVEN Free Clinic. We hope you will join us!


Thanks to generous donors like you, every contribution helps us to better serve our patient population.

Thank you for joining us for the 
10th Annual HAVEN Free Clinic 5K!

With the help of our volunteers, sponsors, and donors we raised over $42,000 for the clinic!

100% of the proceeds will go towards patient care.